Monday, August 27, 2007

Sigh ...Not Again!!?

Well just like clock-work, we are back to WTO discussions. And just like the summer's heat I expected something from our famous right wing think tanks. To-day I got it.

The Montreal Economic Institutes latest offering is entitled: Supply Management of Farm Products: a costly system for consumers, it comes complete with a media release. It was a snippet on to-days noon news.

Here is a sampling:

$300 per family – Supply management of farm products: a costly system for consumers Montreal, August 23, 2007 -

As the commission on the future of Quebec’s agriculture and agrifood sector begins its hearings, the Montreal Economic Institute is estimating that supply management of milk, eggs and poultry costs at least $300 extra per year for a family of four. This amounts to $575 million for everyone in Quebec.

In an Economic Note published by the Institute, Marcel Boyer, its vice-president and chief economist, explains that astronomical customs duties and the setting of high prices for these food items constitute a particularly regressive tax on low-income consumers. “This system, motivated by protectionism, operates largely as a cartel and is obsolete, costly and unfair,” Mr. Boyer says. “The food and agriculture sector must adapt to international competition and stop penalizing consumers, as well as farmers themselves in the long run.”

(see more...)

Now I have to give them points for trying. But after some of the interesting articles lately, about the real cost of cheap food policies, I don't think they are going to resonate with the public. I do think the feds are willing to use this same old doggerel for their own purposes. That IS the part of this clap trap that bothers me the most.

For last season's effort see Dairiblawg's The Big Leagues Weigh In !!

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