Thursday, August 2, 2007

All Canadians Win with the CWB !!

There has been a fair amount of reporting on the events of July 31st, 2007. That is the day the Canadian Wheat Board won a decision against the federal government regarding the method it employed to try to dismantle the Canadian Wheat Board.

Although it has been high on the radar of farm organizations, farmers themselves and many regulated marketing boards, I was unsure how the rest of the country was viewing the disgracful events of the last 6 months.

What does it mean for us all, if a minority government can ignore the law of parliament with impunity and do what it wants? For many, it means there is no democracy. This is why we MUST have a judiciary that is separate from politics. The current government has stated it's intention of changing this, too. We do not need a court system at the mercy of our politicians.

Other thoughtful Canadians are saying similar things. The government's mis-handling of the issue has resonated with far more Canadians than I was aware of. They have seen through the smoke thrown by the Harper government.

For some very interesting reading see the comments at the end of the article entitled:

Court slams Ottawa over Wheat Board
From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
August 1, 2007 at 12:02 AM EDT

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