Friday, February 29, 2008

Surprise ... surprise!!!!

I just received my monthly Macleans for March 2008. Now, I have been hard on Macleans on occasion, because, frankly, some of the articles deserved to be left unwritten, as they were so unbalanced and biased, it was a dis-service to all, including their urban audience, that they ever saw the light of day.

This month is a surprise, though and not a bad thing in my mind at all. Front and centre on the cover:

Rampant demand. Sudden shortages. Riots over prices. The world food crisis is starting to hit home.


The article is written by Charlie Gillis and is a very in depth and thoughtful look into a number of issues. I'll leave it to you to decide on the level of importance you can attach to them. One very big surprise is the credit Gillis gives to the National Farmers Union. The Union did write to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and for that they should get major kudos. It was a piece of far sightedness we all could use.

Gillis also goes into some surprising statistics that our own farmers and farm organizations should be looking at and thinking about. Earlier this week reports from some interesting sources ( were speculating on similar announcements from the FAO. I am a bit surprised that the Macleans article even saw the light of day.

As well, this week CTV's Pat Foran reported at length about the increasing cost of wheat for pasta, although he used the term, food inflation.

As a consumer and parent the issues can be chilling. How many can grow their own food? What about preserving it yourself? If we are in fact, teetering on the edge ........ what is our own government doing to protect our people from such possible, frightening outcomes?

Many of us in agriculture are aware of the history around farming and food production. Society as a whole is not. It was only the efficiency and productiveness on the nations farms that freed society to pursue other avenues of wealth and built the societies we have to-day.

I hope you all take a long hard look at the article and use this profile to urge our government to take real Food Sovereignty very seriously. Perhaps you will have willing voices to help spread the word.-CG

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Canadain Wheat Board Wins ..... NOW What!!!

Consider the latest headlines about the Canadian government's blatant campaign to flout parliament and destroy farmer's bargaining power in these recent headlines:





So just what is propelling, compelling the government to push so hard to destroy farmer's marketing power? Free trade dogma or just the Alberta connection? Regardless, it is making them look a little ridiculous as they announce their latest salvo in response to the news above:


OTTAWA, Ontario, February 26 2008

The Honourable Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board, today issued the following statement in response to a Federal Court of Appeal decision on the Government of Canada's appeal of the Federal Court ruling which maintained that the Canadian Wheat Board Regulations must be changed through legislation.

"I am disappointed with the decision of the Federal Court of Appeal. We will carefully review the decision and decide on our next steps accordingly. "

This Government understands that farmers work hard to grow the grain they sell and they should get the best price possible for that work. As a matter of fact, over 62 per cent of Western Canadian farmers voted in support of barley marketing freedom last year.

We are committed to providing the marketing choice Western Canada's grain producers have demanded and deserve. Producers need market certainty and we will continue working to provide it to them.

This Government is committed to pursuing all avenues to deliver market freedom to Western barley producers. We will be moving ahead quickly with legislation to give them this freedom.


The Office of the Honourable Gerry Ritz

So, is it possible the next battle will be in the legislature? If so, farmers and supporters of collective marketing had better sharpen their swords.-CG

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Don't they have Better Things To DO??

I am completely fed up with the high jinks from the current 'new government' . Among a list of stupidities they have gone after the Canadian Wheat Board again. At least it appears that way.

This past weeks offerings include:

Opposition parties see interference in firing of agency official

Wheat Board fires official who criticized government

PM makes 'em gag-Harperites muzzle opposition beyond Parliament Hill

WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) - Ian White, a veteran of Australia's grain trade, will become the next head of the Canadian Wheat Board, one of the world's largest grain exporters, Canada's agriculture minister said on Wednesday.

I also found this article published last fall in the Western Dairy Farmer by Wendy R. Holm called 'Beware a Conservative Majority'. It is an issue dairy farmers need to monitor closely.

And if the PM has his way it looks like we will be forced into an election by hook or by crook. If it isn't Afghanistan ... they will make sure it's the Crime Bill or the Budget or...........-CG

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Silence is Deafening!!!

One reader recently asked the question: "Which consumer groups would best represent the feelings of the consumer?"

So I decided that, I would do a little bit of research into our consumer associations, to see what popped up. Imagine my surprise when on the main page of the Consumers Association of Canada, I found a ridiculous article slamming the "extra fat" one may find in cheese once the new regulations come into force. This title may give you a clue: Federal Government Moves to Fatten up Canadians

It seems to me they should be far more concerned about the 'source' of Canadian food, the complete irrelavence of the "Product of Canada" label, the need for Canadians to retain their food producers and their processors (Did we learn nothing from BSE?) , among a few of the pressing issues about food that consumers want answers for.

Instead the CAC spent their time slamming Canadian dairy farmers for demanding regulations that will ensure the quality and components in cheese manufactured or shipped into this country. This means the label on cheese will actually mean something to consumers and that cheese that says it's cheese will taste like cheese and cook like cheese. How can that be a bad thing?

I don't think they are in much of a position to give us any help. Consumer associations do not seem interested in rounding out the public education at all. They are more likely to be attacking agriculture.

The whole issue of new regulations for cheese also has sparked some more nasty articles in our favourite national news rag (the Globe and Mail). Conveniently included is Mr. Reynolds e-mail so you can fire off a missive.


Sacred cows: Guess who's getting milked


February 1, 2008

OTTAWA -- Except for nuclear power, Canada's dairy industry is perhaps the most intensely regulated industry in the country - and perhaps the most discreetly regulated, too. When the federal government quietly promulgated radical new restrictions on Canada's cheese makers in the Canada Gazette last month, it did so on Boxing Day.

At the heart of the new edict is a requirement that cheese contain a higher proportion of whole milk - as opposed to milk byproducts - a change that cheese makers say would increase the cost of production. In its commentary on these protectionist regulations, the government noted in passing that the dairy industry has been getting smaller, "with typically static or declining growth," for 15 years. The only significant exception, it observed, was cheese. From 307,000 tonnes in 1994 to 379,000 tonnes in 2005, Canadian cheese production has increased by almost 25 per cent -- most of it in the form of innovative "specialty" cheeses that give consumers the illusion of access to the cheeses of the world. read more...

If you want real information about cheese and the new regulations, check my post 'Campaign to Keep Cheese Real' and the Real Cheese website.

Oh, and don't forget to speak to Mr. Reynolds.