Monday, August 20, 2007

More Food News ?!?!

Lately, there has been almost too much information on the subject of imported food. I was sure this was affecting the average grocery shopper. The following article tells me I am on to something, here.

"Majority fear imported food unsafe, poll finds" from August 2nd Globe & Mail.

In addition, the Star, has been focusing on many local farmers help educate their readers about local food, many by Catherine Porter .

Toil and trouble, down on the farm

Strawberry fields not forever

The hopeless blight on our strawberries

Radishes and rutabagas and a bit of razzmatazz

'Eat local' message never goes out of style

And lately.......

Our fool's paradise of cheap products

Made in Canada?

Labelled in Canada

The wave of concern has become a crashing storm as more China scandals unfold. The latest of course involves our children and their toys. Our food and our children....... if I were a food retailer or processor in this country I would WANT to label my products, just to be safe.

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