Monday, June 26, 2006

Here we go again!?!??!

The next meetings for this round of the WTO are fast approaching and unfortunately for Canadians and farmers of all stripes, this government appears to be bent on making the same old mistakes. The western dominated government is focused on 'old' economic theories, that time has proven wrong. The Canadian public will not be well served by a government that destroys farmer market strength. Contrary to economic opinion, this massive downloading to farmers ends up 'costing' tax payers and consumers alike.

There have been several skirmishes in the House lately and they all surround supply management and the many questions about the governments' commitment to this group of farmers. ( )

The most recent was the introduction of a motion in the House (June 13 ,2006, ) to adopt the recommendations of the Standing Committee on Agriculture . Three hours of debate and a day later the motion passed, with all MP's, except the Conservatives, voting for the Motion.

The Hon. Chuck Strahl, Federal Minister of Agriculture claims, "The motion before the House today would, if implemented, jeopardize this process and would, in the long-term, be ineffective in addressing dairy producers' concerns over imports of dairy ingredients outside of Canada's tariff rate quotas.”

If you are a dairy farmer and your local MP is a Conservative in this government, you had better be asking them some very tough questions. The Conservatives in the house the day of the vote could have done many things, other than 'vote' against their farmers.

Even more telling, some of the doggerel appearing in Western political think tank writings is showing up in the comments of Ministers and MP's. (see House of Commons Debates )

And recently: Mr. Jacques Gourde (CPC): .....However, it is true that Canada is under a great deal of pressure at the WTO with regard to key issues that directly affect supply- managed sectors. Specifically, the 148 other members of the WTO are ready to accept a reduction in customs tariffs and an increase in tariff quotas for sensitive products.

Since a majority of the milk in Canada is produced in Ontario and Quebec, this smells a lot like east against west. Ontario and Quebec Conservative MP's had better pull up their socks and work for their supply managed farmers if they want to be supported for re-election.

You cannot say you support Supply Management and then turn around and try to buffalo with baffle gab. These farmers have come through too many political skirmishes, to believe the same old junk.

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