Monday, April 28, 2008

More 'Food Crisis' news

The past few days my mailbox has been full of articles about the rising cost of food. A sampling is illuminating ...... but no farmers on those interview lists yet!!

As usual, our food retailers and processors are quick off the mark. The problem in this country is that very few consumers understand just what free trade has really done for them.

Note: This particular article exposes nicely, the weakness in globalization and economic theory that focuses on 'which country can produce the most efficiently';translation of course is 'cheapest'!!

Reuters Published: Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bread prices on the rise, food reps say
Last Updated: Thursday, April 24, 2008 11:11 AM ET

Why grocery bills are set to soar
From Friday's Globe and Mail
April 25, 2008 at 4:01 AM EDT

Food companies warn of rising prices
Canadians can expect to pay more at grocery stores as higher feed costs advance through the food chain
Apr 25, 2008 04:30 AM
Dana Flavelle business reporter

This is just too much ...... it goes on and on. It is almost enough to have people digging up the yard for this year's garden. Don't laugh!!! Some articles have actually put forward that idea. It was 'tongue in cheek', but I am sure that some people took it very seriously.

In the land of plenty we go round and round and consumers are buffeted by articles, news stories, pundits and the food players. The Business News Network (BNN) even discusses our 'food' or commodities constantly.

Hmmmmm??! Maybe it's time to push the 'Food Security' idea much, much, harder. Woe betide the foolish politician who forgets about these headlines at the WTO.

It should NOT be hard to get some valuable air time for this one.-CG

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