Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Rickets?!? In 21st Century North America?!!!!

This just popped up on my computer! I am stunned! In this day and age how something we had conquered so many years ago is again appearing in our society is mind boggling. It shows me that the more we think we know in our society, the less we really do know. How can society lose the lessons so hard won from the recent past?

Every action has an equal and opposite re-action.... should always be front and centre in our governments mind. If parents have lost the knowledge, it has to be up to public health and the government of the day to get it RIGHT!!!

In my mind this also calls into question the new Health Canada Guidelines. I have always been concerned they are relying less on valid science and far too much on something else.

Too little milk, exercise, sunshine hurting kids
Updated Mon. Nov. 26 2007 2:49 PM ET
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- Too little milk, sunshine and exercise: It's an anti-bone trifecta. And for some kids, shockingly, it's leading to rickets, the soft-bone scourge of the 19th century.
But cases of full-blown rickets are just the red flag: Bone specialists say possibly millions of seemingly healthy children aren't building as much strong bone as they should -- a gap that may leave them more vulnerable to bone-cracking osteoporosis later in life than their grandparents are.

"This potentially is a time-bomb," says Dr. Laura Tosi, bone health chief at Children's National Medical Center in Washington.

Now scientists are taking the first steps to track kids' bone quality and learn just how big a problem the anti-bone trio is causing, thanks to new research that finally shows just what "normal" bone density is for children of different ages. more.......

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