Thursday, March 30, 2006

Health Canada needs to get a grip!!

Recent events at Health Canada have to make you start scratching your head and wondering, “What are they doing?!?!?”.

In no other time in the health and diets of the Nation has there been more definitive evidence about Type II Diabetes growing in massive populations of Canadians. First, in older, sedentary Canadians with bad diets, in spite of all the nutrition information available, we resort to Lipitor , rather than change our lifestyles. Then, data began to pour in about our children, succumbing to Type II diabetes, in record numbers.

As well, we have seen much concern over Trans fats, and their impact on our bodies. Worldwide, many countries are working to control the amounts of these fats their populations are exposed to. (see Denmark)

Younger and younger women are feeling the impact of Calcium deprived diets, from decades of misinformation and an Osteoporosis epidemic is waiting in the wings.

So what does the watchdog of the Health of Canadians do? They do nothing definitive on Trans fats or labeling & standards to aid consumers. Nor do they use valid research to fix their broad brush approach to Calcium. They decide to rewrite the FOOD GUIDE to focus our population and guide Dietitians. There is only one problem with this whole massive effort. The FOOD GUIDE as currently proposed is WRONG!!!

What will Canadian Consumers do when they find out they have been sold out by their own Health department? Just what are they thinking? They don't appear to be using good research to support where they are going and how they are taking us there.

Vilifying good natural fats (butter and milk fat), ignoring Trans fats in processed foods, and focusing our attention on substitute products for milk (soy beverages) and then calling them MILK, with NO RESEARCH to prove their claims, suggesting that added Calcium in these man-made products will fix all…… my head is spinning.

How is this nonsense going to aid Canadians and our straining Health budget in the next 10 years? I believe it is going to make matters far worse.

Health Canada assumes TOO MUCH!!!! Our once esteemed watchdog is succumbing to VOO DOO Science and populist theories and then trying to take us all down a one way track to trouble!

I just can’t believe that after all the documentation and research out there they would go along with unproven and dangerous crap from a group of society that forgets the Naked Ape is an Omnivore!! (Look it up!)

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