Thursday, March 13, 2014

Just a little taste ......

To drive home the point about activating  social media I did a little Google search for "Dairy Farmers of Canada" (DFC) and came up with all of the items below on the first search page. 

 DFC was at the top ( a sponsored link) but their items were all associated with recipes and dairy goodness and links to the organization's web page.  Much too difficult for those in a hurry to find information.

Another sponsored link at the top of the page, in addition to the main link that took readers to Mr. Doyle's rebuttal article, would have given the curious (media, consumers, government) access to a balanced view.  One has to remember that it is also page views that help drive up the placement of these nasty articles.  So Mr. Doyle's Huffington rebuttal doesn't even show up. 

This strategy should be employed each and every time any of the industry's detractors put out a major report that requires rebuttal in Huffington.-CG

Conference Board slams dairy rules

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