Saturday, February 9, 2013

Throwing down the Guantlet

Wendy Holm-

Among all the shouters egging our Federal Government onward to dismantle Supply Management is Ms. Martha Hall Findlay, candidate for the Federal Liberal Leadership. Various people have responded to Ms. Findlay about her Economic report which is so badly flawed she had been forced to make 'corrections'.

One of the earliest defenders of the industry has been Wendy Holm.  She has been tweeting Findlay for a while.  You can find all of her tweets if you follow the link below.

Now the National Post has joined the fray, giving Findlay's erroneous economic study even greater exposure. With friends like this supply management does not need enemies.

wendyholm@wendyholm@MHallFindlay@monmills @TheTyee@dfc_plc @arzeenaWhere is this "corrected report" posted Martha?11 days ago · reply · retweet· favorite
wendyholm Martha I challenge u 2 a debate anywhere, anytime. U r dead wrong on supply management.@MHallFindlay@monmills @thetyee@dfc_plc #democracy15 days ago · reply · retweet· favorite

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