Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Great Canadian Moo!!!

This is all about great Canadian fun AND innovative advertising to highlight Canadian milk products and a very familiar little blue cow. A friend told me about the "great Canadian moo". Since she works in Toronto and a lot of her friends are 20 something... well ... they are having a lot of fun with it. I am sure on the appointed day we all need to send those 'moos'!
After all, at the very least it should send profile through the roof.

I went to check it out though and was surprised to see that it is part of the promotion of the updated blue cow logo, from Dairy Farmers of Canada. The newest commercial is just great! Maybe the great Canadian moo, will send the YOUTUBE commercial viral. If every dairy farmer in Canada were emailing their friends and relatives, this stuff would be viral in no time.

Watch it now on YOUTUBE


oliveoil said...
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oliveoil said...

think that this promotion is probably appalling like the condition of the cows that I see being driven to their deaths everyday on the 400. It's such a horrible atrocity perpetuated on these innocent animals. tells the real story of cows being chained, articially inseminated, forced to produce milk beyond their capacity, having calves stolen from them. This is a very cruel industry that makes it's money from torturing and killing cows!!! I'm sick of BIG BUISNESS ABUSING THESE ANIMALS FOR PROFIT & U SHOULD BE TOO... it's heart